How To Donate During COVID-19

At Horderly, delivering bags and bags of donations to Goodwill is one of our favorite parts of the organizing process. However, the Coronavirus pandemic has altered donation protocols.
Lately, many people have hit roadblocks when trying to donate items – not only because many donation centers are closed, but to be mindful that belongings have the potential to carry harmful germs.
Don’t let this donation hurdle discourage you from setting aside items that no longer serve you. Forge ahead with your organizing tasks! Even if you have to wait a little longer to discard your donations, you will still feel so much better when your space is decluttered and you’re surrounded only by items you love.
Donate From Home

Even though many donation centers are closed right now, there are still some solutions for getting rid of items remotely. Companies like ThredUp will send prepaid bags to customers interested in selling clothes. During COVID-19, for every donation bag you send, ThredUP is giving $15 to Feeding America.
In light of stores closing, many charities are offering to send prepaid donation bags as well. Contact your local charity or thrift store to find out if they are accepting donations via snail mail.
Do Your Research

A simple Google search will help you find out what establishments in your area are accepting donations, as many donation centers have published COVID-19 donation protocols on their websites.
For example, you may still be able to donate belongings at Salvation Army locations on a case-by-case basis. A public statement on Salvation Army’s site reads,
“Our thrift stores are continuing to accept in-kind donations including COVID-19 essentials such as non-perishable foods, cleaning and sanitizing products, baby products and other items.”
Goodwill, on the other hand, has closed many of its donation centers and they are encouraging the public to avoid donating during this time, saying on their site,
“Depending on your area, we encourage you to prepare and organize your donations until your local Goodwill reopens. Information on when your local Goodwill will reopen will be communicated through its website, social media or other communications.”
Something to be aware of when you’re doing your research is that every charity has a “Do Not Accept” list, so be sure to seek that information out to avoid donating banned items.
Store Your Donations At Home

So what do you do with all that stuff you so badly want to get rid of, but don’t have the heart to toss in the trash? In the words of the Jonas Brothers, “hold on, hold on, hold on” to your donations… for now. Keep in mind that once donation centers reopen, there will be a huge demand for donations, and for now, set up a holding area in your home for these items.
Just because you have bags of donations lying around, try not to be tempted to dive back into them, what’s done is done! Store your donations out of the way – in the garage or in your car, if possible – so they are out of everyday sight and ready to go as soon as donation centers reopen. Storing items in your car is ideal because you’re already loaded up and ready to drop off at a donation center once they reopen!
Most importantly, label your donation bags and boxes. This way, you won’t forget what’s inside and you won’t be tempted to take any donations back into your home.
For more information on all things Horderly – including lots of great tips, tricks and other #HorderlyHabits – check out our blog or reach out for more information!