5 Things To Get Rid of This Fall

Feeling overwhelmed by stuff? You deserve to live clutter-free! As we hunker down this fall, let’s make sure that we can hibernate somewhere organized this winter. Below we have shared 5 things to consider releasing before we enter into gifting season.
Shopping Bags

Don’t let plastic or even reusable shopping bags take over your entryway, mudroom, or kitchen! Time to go through them and really decide how many you need at one time and toss the rest. If you have bags that you keep forgetting about, consider storing them in a bin or organizer in your kitchen and car so that you can refill or rotate them when needed! That way you aren’t purchasing more just because you forgot about them. When decluttering this season, start here and use the extra bags for dropping off your donations for the rest of the categories!
TIP: Checkout our full guide to donations so you never have to question where to go when getting rid of things!

It is time to toss stained, ripped, or worn out linens! This is a great time to go through your linen closet and really consider what you need.Typically a household only needs 1-2 sets per bed. Think about how often you are doing laundry: are you washing your sheets often and replacing them immediately? Or is laundry piling up and you often find yourself reaching for your extra set? Ask yourself the tough questions so that you can clear up space for the things you use and love!
Towels are another category that often goes unchecked. When going through your towels, check for stains, rips, and signs of wear. If you plan on repurposing stained/worn out towels as cleaning towels, put them with cleaning supplies instead of having them clutter your linen closet.
Water Bottles

So often we see clients with cabinets full of water bottles and to-go coffee mugs that they hardly ever use- time to donate! Really think about how often you are using them, washing them, and which you are using. Typically people use one or two bottles per person- it is rare that you will need more than that. If you are cleaning your water bottle often, which we recommend to reduce your chances of mold-exposure, then you really only need one. If you are finding that dishes are piling up, having one backup is perfectly reasonable to ensure you avoid mold-exposure.
Coffee Mugs

While we are on the subject of beverage vessels, let’s talk about your coffee mugs. Generally one household only needs 6-8 at most, so grab the ones you like and donate the rest! Often we have clients that have sentimental mugs that they want to keep as mementos. Consider keeping them up high in a cabinet rather than with your daily mugs so that they don’t clutter the “prime real-estate” of your cabinet shelving!
“Just in Case” Items

Time to let go of those items you have been holding onto for years “just in case” you might need them. Some examples include: camping gear when you have never and do not plan to camp, extra large serving items that you never use, specialty kitchen appliances that are still in the box 6 years later, and so on. Items in your home pay rent with their usage, so if you have an item that lives in your home and you’ve not touched in years, it is time to evict! When referring to “just in case” items, we do not mean emergency items- those items we hope you never have to use but definitely want to have around. We encourage you to store emergency items in easily accessible places and, if applicable, check their expiration dates every few months to replace as needed.
Having trouble letting go? Checkout our virtual organizing sessions program to access budget friendly organizing support! We also offer in-person organizing sessions for a more hands-on approach to our process. Reach out and we can help you create the organizational systems of your dreams!
For more information on all things Horderly- including lots of great tips, tricks, and other #HorderlyHabits- check out our blog or reach out for more information!