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Kick-Off Get Organized Week with Horderly and Brother

October 12, 2020 | Holidays & Seasonal,Organized Living |

In honor of Get Organized Week, Horderly and Brother have partnered to provide some easy organizing tips and tricks to help you get organized in your own home!

Horderly offers in-home and virtual organizing services for your home or office, based on our signature process. Here are steps to create a functional, organized space.

These tips can be applied to any room, but choose one room to start with – then repeat the process in a second space once the first room is complete! Getting started can seem daunting, we get it! But Get Organized Week is the perfect time to set attainable goals, refresh your space and whip out your label maker so your hard work doesn’t go to waste!



Determine which room to start in first. What’s the biggest problem area in your home? Start there, and then the rest of your tasks will be so much easier!

Pull Out & Sort

Pull out all items in whichever room you’ve decided to tackle. Sort like items with like items and place items into piles by category as you clear out drawers, cabinets, bins etc.

Edit & Categorize

Once all of your items are sorted into piles by category, it’s time to edit! Editing is the process of decluttering to determine which items to keep, toss or donate. Be sure to touch on each item individually to really consider if it’s still needed and loved.


Strategize Placement

Now that you’ve decluttered, determine which items deserve prime real estate and which do not. Prime real estate is easily-accessible areas where you should keep items you use regularly. Anything you do not need to access often can be placed up high, very down low or in another area of your home like the garage, basement or attic.

Strategize Products

At Horderly, you’ll hear us say “containment is key” A LOT. Once you’ve determined the placement of your items, figure out whether those items can stand alone, or need to be contained. Containment is key when it comes to creating a specific home for each category to live which will help you easily maintain your newly organized space.

Typically, on shelves, we like to use a mix of clear bins and decorative bins to corral different categories. There’s no rule of thumb when it comes to what type of bins to use as long as you choose an option that’s functional and is sized properly to maximize your space!



Last but not least, don’t forget to label! Labeling is the most crucial step in perfecting your organized space and ensuring it is maintained. At Horderly, Brother’s P-Touch CUBE Plus label maker is our go-to. Brother Genuine tapes come in a variety of sizes and colors that you can customize with an app on your phone – allowing you to create cohesive labels with the touch of a button that matches your space. Brother’s label tape also comes in a variety of sizes; smaller for the inside of drawers or shelves and larger one-inch tape (we love this size!) for bigger items like bins or baskets, or to put up high in harder to see areas.

Need some more help? Horderly has got your back. For more information on all things Horderly – including lots of great tips, tricks and other #HorderlyHabits – check out our blog or reach out for more information!

This content is independently curated by Horderly and may earn us a commission. Horderly has an existing partnership with Brother.

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